Monday, October 28, 2019

Public Governance in England Essay Example for Free

Public Governance in England Essay Governance can be defined as how local government bodies operate and control structure and processes of local authorities to manage their communities under one umbrella. These local bodies ensure quality service to the people and lead communities in a responsible way (Governance). The role of governance is to give clear directions, facilitate new projects, acts and take steps for any foreseen danger to the community.   Public governance deal with public sector and is kept under constant review. It sets out clear principles for the administration to arrange for public regulation. The treasury report states that UK spending had increased to  £500 by the year 2005 and 2006. Public governance would include policy making and providing quality service to public related issues including housing, sanitary, health, education, sewage and water supply management. Public governance ensures quality services to the citizens and taxpayers.   In public governance there is no combined code or any equivalent code of principles. However, there is an alternative individual codes and guidance that are specifically made for individual specific public bodies.   In 2004 a commission comprising key leaders from public was established by three different institutes, Chartered institute of Public Finance and Accountancy (CIPFA), the Office of Public Management (OPM) and Joseph Rowntree foundation. The goal was to establish good governance principles for public services equivalent to Combined Code. These principles would support publicly funded bodies.   The Good Governance Standard For Public was published in 2005 by the commission that addressed issues for the members of public, governing bodies, public services, organizations, governors and those who develop codes for governance (Good Governance Briefing).   The governance of both public and private sector are combined and supervised by the unitary board model. This board is formed by executive and non-executive directors who are responsible for management of daily business and those tasks that are independent of the management respectively. The board functions to monitor both the governance.   The role of the boards of public governance and private governance is somewhat similar, but public sector is more complex. In public governance there is no standard organisational shape and no legislation operate public bodies. That is, public services do not work under any legislative framework instead they have unified boards of independent executive and non-executive directors.   Most non-departmental public bodies (NDPBs) are exclusively comprised of non-executive directors. Some organizations have both executive and non-executive, while some other operate under one chief executive who is the top level member of the board and there is no other equivalent executive with him (Good Governance Briefing).   Supervisory boards are formed by the members from diverse stakeholders and are much larger than unified boards. Good governance is very important for successful public administration. Public sector failure results from poor governance. However, the poor governance is not just the result of any poor performance in single issue or service (Governance). But poor governance results from a number of factors that when combined pose several problems in the public sector administration. The quality of service by the public governance matters a lot for the people to gain trust in that government. To gain trust from its people public governance must offer quality service and assure them proper security, health, education to live in prosperous society. Loss of public trust is of immense importance for the public government. Once people do not support that government then it can threaten their accomplishment as a strong government.   Public governance must follow good governance policies and its main goal is to have a lot of trust from its people. Public government can have good image by having good support from its people. In forming rules and regulation public government will always keep in mind the facilities for the people of community. Public governance strives for quality service in education and health to its people. Once people choose not to support that government and not to participate in voting or vote against it then it can be fragmented (Governance).   Public government is also responsible for health and sanitary conditions in the community. It is involved in operating public hospitals and is responsible for maintaining high standard of medical treatment, medical services, cleanliness and sanitation of the hospitals. Public run hospitals must have proper healthcare system in order to provide proper health to the community and its people (Stolzenber). It is the responsibly of the governance to adopt strategies to preserve its viable function and also improve its structure to attain high health standards.   Characteristics of public governance must be strong enough to participate in the market-driven economy. The infrastructure of the governance must be efficient and flexible to operate independently of the bureaucratic impediments. Only high standards of governance can lead to successful and prosperous communities.   In public governance some departments have independent lay members and magistrates. These include police authorities. The Local Government Act 2000 developed three different types of political structures to be followed by local authorities. Each local body will develop proposals to adopt any of the three structures either as an executive role or scrutiny role. The council of higher education mainly adopts the executive role.   There are around 450,000 governors in the public service organizations. Every governor is responsible for leading and directing the workforce, organizing their tasks and fulfill their main objectives. They work for the public interest.   References   New Charity Regulation. Stolzenber, Edward A. Governance Change for Public Hospitals. Retrieved from Governance. Retrieved from

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